Photography Portfolio
About Me

Photography – I’ve always loved it!
I bought my first camera from the local chemist when I was about 15 years old. I learnt how to develop my own film but that had to be in a bathroom with black-out curtains. I had an old printer that someone gave me. The results were not very impressive but the art of photography fascinated me. Even so, film photography was too expensive for me to really progress until the onset of digital photography many years later. Then, everything changed and my first digital camera was the start of a real voyage of discovery into the wonderful Creation of the world about us.
I began using the camera as a reference for my artwork selling watercolours and acrylic paintings through local galleries. Gradually though, my interest in painting soon began to fade as I discovered that I could express myself better through photography. My camera became my canvas, paints and brush.
Winning a few national photography competitions and being chosen to feature in BBC TV’s ‘Countryfile Calendar’ Competition twice, has been a great encouragement. Over the years, I have developed my own style and I enjoy and make no apology for enjoying using photo editing software especially for the more ‘creative’ images.
I am so very fortunate to live in a beautiful part of the UK, in Dorset, on the South Coast. We have a lovely coastline and countryside and the light is ever changing so that no two days are ever the same. I enjoy photographing local wild flowers especially using a macro lens enabling me to get ‘close in’ to see the tiny details that are almost hidden from view to the natural eye.